
Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembering our Veterans: Operation Write Home; Send homemade cards for our troops to use

Today in the United States it's Veteran's Day.

Veteran's Day is a federal holiday and you'll find many government offices, businesses, and schools closed on this day.

This day is a time to remember all those who have served our great nation. We'd like to take the time to thank you for your determination and courage for without it; we wouldn't have many of the privileges that some can take for granted.

Yesterday, the Marine Crops celebrated their 236th birthday.

From the Boston Herald...

As Reichenthal screamed, his squad ran to help.

“They came over to me and they took one look at me and it felt like they froze, but it was only a few seconds. They dragged me to the helicopter and they kept knocking me on the face. They knew if I were to go unconscious, I’d probably be dead.

“It puts life into perspective when you almost die—when you really almost die, not just your cell phone is out of service or something. When I walked again, it was the best feeling ever.

“Not a lot of people know what goes on anymore. They have no concept of it ... They need to be reminded of what we do and remember what we do ... There’s some guy out there, laying down, dragging his buddy to a helicopter.”

Reichenthal spent six months at Bethesda Naval Medical Center and has undergone 26 surgeries. He took his first steps in May, and as part of his rehab at Brockton Veterans Affairs hospital, he’s learning how to snowboard. He hopes to start college next fall, and someday would like to teach history. Yesterday, he was honored by Boston’s Semper Fidelis Society on the Marine Corps’ 236th birthday. In a quiet moment, he pointed with pride at the Combat Action Ribbon and the Purple Heart on his chest.

“These I earned with blood.”

Here in the United States restaurants like Applebees,  Chili's, Denny's, Subway, and many more are offering free meals for our veterans.

For those of us who enjoy paper crafts one way you can show your appreciation is sending handmade cards to Operation Write Home. Operation Write Home sends these beautiful hand crafted cards to our troops. These cards are used by our troops to send to their loved ones. Isn't that a great way to share our love of handmade cards?

In the past, my daughter and I've sent cards, along with care packages, to our troops through AnySoldier. Since I've learned about this organization, we'll be sending a batch of cards to Operation Write Home. It's a simple way to let the troops now we're thinking of them, and that we appreciate what they do.

If you want to send cards to Operation Write Home, please stop by their website.  Make sure you read Operations Write Home's guidelines since there's certain things that can't be sent (such as cards with glitter glue), although it's too late to send our troops Christmas cards, stop by their deadlines page, so you can know the holiday schedule for 2012.

Thanks veterans, your service is appreciated not only on this day, but the others also. Thank you

Celebrate Life

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